Friday, February 17, 2012

Poetry! Cake! Auction!

Congratulations to Pandora's Collective on their 10th anniversary.

About 65 people gathered at the Prophouse Cafe on Venables Street in Vancouver to celebrate Pandora's Collective, a writer's group that began with Bonnie Nish, Sita Carboni and Heather Neal.

These days Heather is on Vancouver Island, Sita is on a boat in North Vancouver and Bonnie is heading up the collective and board. 10 years goes by fast and in that rush you never know who you are going to impress upon and inspire. However with the stories told last night of inspiration and dedication it's easy to see how Pandora's DIY poetic grass roots activism has touched the lives of many people.

The show was a hoot. Jess Hill, CR Avery and Geoff Berner were the musical headliners while there was a list of guest readers about 20 people deep. 3 1/2 hours later everyone was smiling and reminising and enjoying the great vibes and energy. Personally it was great to see old friends Johnny Frem and SR Duncan get up and do their thing and I also really enjoyed Ruth Kozak's insights into Greek culture past and present. Ruth will be joining us on the airwaves in the next couple of weeks.

There was also an auction led by auctioneer SR Duncan and later on a chocolate Pandoras Box cake was brought out and eaten up while Geoff Berner sang about keeping the rent down low.

All in all a sweet night.

Coming up are a some key festivals...The Talking Stick Festival and the Poetry Gabriola Festival is happening this week through until Sunday with folks like George Bowering, Tanya Davis, Barbara Adler, CR Avery and Drek Daa participating. Congrats to Hilary Peach and her volunteers for another eclectic and excellent mix of programming.

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