Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rare Ginsberg in Vancouver Video

Came across this great reading of Allen Ginsberg shot by Leonore Herb when he was in Vancouver in 1985.
Hope you like.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Show Pre-empted

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no Wax Poetic on Coop Radio on Wednesday Aug. 5, 2oo9.

We will be back again the following week with new, fresh poetry featuring writers participating in the Summer Dream Literary Arts Festival. Stay Tuned!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Special Event: Lisa Shatzky to be Guest on Wax Poetic @ Summer Dream Live Broadcast Simulation

On Saturday, August 22th, Wax Poetic once again takes part in what will be the 6th Annual Summer Dream Festival. As we've done in the past, Diane, RC and I will be staging a live "simulation" of our regular radio show. This year we are happy to present Bowen Island Poet Lisa Shatzky!
After a brief reading, members of the audience are invited to ask the writer questions.

Lisa Shatzky's poetry has been accepted for publication in The New Quarterly, The Nashwaak Review, Canadian Literature, and The Sun (U.S.) and has been published in Monday's Poem (Leaf Press, 2009), Jones Ave., The Prairie Journal, The Dalhousie Review, The Antigonish Review, Canadian Woman Studies, Cahoots, Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Insights, Sandstar Poetry for Peace (U.S.), Canadian Poetry Institute, Between the Sheets, The McGill Daily, and others. Her work has been performed at Vancouver's Word on the Street, Kaslow Folk Festival, Sunshine Coast Aboriginal Day, The Pacific Rim Whale Festival, World Poetry, and most recently, at The Montreal Jazz Festival, as well as other literary and cultural events around B.C. . Her poetry book "A Pail for the Blackberries" is currently being considered by a Canadian publisher for 2010. When not writing she works as a psychotherapist on Bowen Island, B.C. where she lives.

For more information about the festival and how you can become involved, check out the website at
Don't forget to visit our table and say hi when you are there and keep listening to Wax Poetic for previews featuring other festival performers in the weeks leading up to the festival.